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Lilly 赌博平台大全教研主席,联合创始人
广州知名国际教育体育博彩app校长 王牌教研经历 前知名体育博彩app五星名师 7+年国际教育从业经历 “提分王” 资深教师,曾任业内大型体育博彩app五星级名师。六年海外考试教学经验。已培养无数高分学员,擅长激发学生学习激情注重逻辑思考。 所带学员提分明显,分数目标达成速度快,被学生称为“提分王”。在训练学生应试技巧的同时,也体育博彩app帮助员形成学习思维模式
Chair of Teaching and research , Co-founder of Explore Edu Renowned Principal of a prestigious education institution in Guangzhou  Impressive Teaching and Research Experience Former Five-Star Teacher at a renowned institution Over 7 years of experience in the international education field "The Score Booster" A seasoned educator who previously served as a Five-Star Teacher at a leading institution. With 7 years of experience in internatiianl exam preparation, Lilly has nurtured numerous high-scoring students and excels at inspiring their passion for learning and promoting logical thinking. Her students consistently achieve significant score improvements and reach their score goals quickly, earning her the title of "The Score Booster." While training students in exam strategies, she also focuses on helping them develop effective study habits.
Carol 赌博平台大全高级咨询顾问,联合创始人
前英国知名私立中学高级咨询顾问 前上海知名留学体育博彩app高级咨询顾问 15+年留学教育从业经历 助力900+学子拿到顶尖Offer 熟悉全龄段升学规划,擅长专业择业指导及个性化定制升学方案。帮助学生解决留学过程中的疑惑,规划整个留学申请过程,量体裁衣,提出优选留学方案。
Senior Consultation Advisor at Explore Edu, Co-founder Former Senior Consultation Advisor at a renowned private school in the UK Former Senior Consultation Advisor at a reputable study abroad agency in Shanghai Over 15 years of experience in the study abroad education industry Empowered over 900 students to secure top-tier offers Well-versed in comprehensive educational planning across all age groups, Carol specializes in career guidance and personalized study abroad plans. She assists students in resolving doubts throughout the study abroad process, providing tailored solutions and presenting optimal study abroad options.